A Real Boneless One

This email is like the ghost of skateboarding past from a real character, I reckon. I have never really quit skateboarding but I just don’t have the same connection. Since I am childless, skate friendless, at least in my current town I usually end up being the oldest guy there. I never lost my “boner ” though. (read below)

I’ll always love skateboarding despite my own issues with it. This email entry though? Another headscratcher, but funny. I’ll write what I think good ole Mr. Neighbors is referring to in parentheses. Most likely he’s a new Meatsheet Zine fan, and a (former?) skateboarder.

I’ve got to say, your site is grossening and amazing all at once ! The barnacles of my brain are blown to all kinds of nasty bits while gawking at your pages.

When my blazing eyes discovered the Corey O’Breeze garment, I thought to myself, Wow! That is a garment that I haven’t seen for a good 65 years.

(referring to my Corey O ‘ Brien shirt and post that will feature various collectibles. https://meatsheetfanzine.com/vintage-skateboarding-santa-cruz/ Contributions of your own collectibles will be reviewed then accepted)

There was a moment in my lifetime when I was all about boneless ones and ollie, ollie oxenfries all day long.

The Boneless Ones sk8rock to ollie to all day

Unfortunately those days are long gone. I lost my boner in a knife fight with a pioneer and my spine went kapootz after I danced with the devil in the fine moon light of New Hampshire.

(! ? LOL ! ?)

With that being said, I still have a soft stain in my trousers for all things skeetboarding, so I hope to see more ventures of that nature on your blog in the years to come! Thanks for your effort. (James , you are most welcome, kind sir)

– James Neighbors