Always Sunn 0))) in Philly Exclusive Pics

Sunn 0))) – A look back to the one time yours truly saw them live. For more photos that go back as far as mid 90’s and recent go here

Very heavy , slow dirging  low frequencies. I figure robes, cloaks, and uber slow metal says autumn, Halloween or winter to me. This gig is rather hazy as far as some of the details. I researched this gig to help me recall. There is even a recording of it on Sunn’s bandcamp Any information on Chrome Hoof and Warhorse is welcome.


It’s possible I remember someone asking me the next day ” What did you do last night John Meat ? ” I failed to explain that.. ” I went to a small bar and watched bands dressed as Druids playing ultra low end frequencies on guitars, chrome plated monks, and straight up metal heads playing the coolest drone, ambient , thrash , stoner, sludge, noise ever “

They just would have looked at me like I was a drunk juggalo in at a five star restaurant overlooking the French Riviera.

I may have said ” I went to see some bands ” at best.

And on what seem to be the same show, or at least the same venue is Warhorse and Chrome Hoof.

Warhorse were pretty tight and seemed like speed metal compared to Sunn 0))). They delivered devastatingly heavy riffs and rhythms as the heavens turn to ash.

Chrome Hoof

Chrome Hoof were like a doom metal act with a little extra instrumentation and more experimental musical arrangements. At times they change into a jazzy or “other ” vibe. It’s always good to have variety like this and I think they even had a bassoon. I have to be honest, 3 or more stoner/ doom acts may be boring but this bill is stacked.

So on to Sunn 0))). As the bandcamp confirmed my suspicions, it was one 47 minute set. I remember , as one may expect from Sunn low rumbling frequencies. Shaking me guttiwuts. Like a bath of low frequency sound. Bass if you will. Any 6 string guitar action and sound is overpowered by the heavy collective hum this band creates. It’s possible the guitars are setup and tuned low maximum heaviness.

Droning, foreboding, the mighty Sunn

It is quite an immersive experience.

More so than those shitty Van Gogh immersions, but I digress. My paltry description of the performance falls short of actually seeing and hearing Sunn 0))).

I have more photos of this night and I hope I can recover them from a crashed hard drive. Any tech heads that are local and read this please reach out if you can help. If you are or were in Chrome Hoof, Warhorse, or in the audience feel free to drop a line. Cheers.