Citrus Clouds – single and video – Honey

Citrus Clouds single “Honey” is out. They are local Phoenix shoegazers. An impressive trio with a fair amount of material to check out if you have not already done so. I’m not really a fan of the term shoegaze itself. For ease of describing this band and others I begrudgingly use it. Many bands that play this type music don’t stick around long in this valley. I simply can’t understand that but that is another matter.

Citrus Clouds have endured the heat of the valley so far. They rise above the sand, swelter, and concrete of the metro Phoenix area.

They have an array of LP’s and songs that are unquestionably dream pop. Listen to them here and if have the means support Citrus Clouds recently released a video and song called ‘Honey’ but another song ‘Whoa’ is coming soon. In addition to these latest tracks an LP ‘Collider’ will release as well (scheduled for November). The more I listen to the back catalog the more I enjoy this band.

((( Left Photo – Monica Goodnough ))) ((( Right- Mildrette Armenta)))

So I’ll cover ‘Honey’ and a couple questions with guitarist Erick Pineda. This particular time frame is in between singles for Citrus Clouds but I’ll gladly feature or review them again.

A few brief words on just the song, Honey. Honey is a quick two minute daydream with a killer hook. It leaves me wanting more but that may be the genius of it. If they recorded more it may not have the same ethereal glide mixed with the power of the chorus. In other words, Honey does what most dreamy songs can do, but in half the time or less. The pulsing bass line reels me in. If you are a sucker for rhythm like me, then check it out. Many of the noteworthy and maybe less known gaze bands influences float in and out of Honey. Jesus and Mary Chain, Adorable, and other essentials (My Bloody Valentine nods are plentiful). The guitar and vocals are sweet, but balanced. I don’t find them overtly sweet, due to the strong melodious vocals and interplay of Erick’s guitar. Citrus Clouds may wear their influences on their sleeve, but they are strong writers.

Stacie’s vocals lift Honey but they finesse their way cloudwards.

The background vocals compliment the color of Honey in the way the pink compliments a mostly purple Arizona (or elsewhere) sunset. I did not know this but it is the first song they have fully written together. Proof that persistence, loving what you do, and work pays off. Read below for a quick feature with Erick.

The video feels like a snapshot of psychedelic life in the desert. Pet lovers will delight. The landscape glitters along with Erick’s picked notes.

The video is fun, lighthearted, but the song is a seriously well crafted indie rock song.

Does this diminish the video or clash? I don’t believe it does, at all. The new single “Whoa” is not far off. In the meantime I’ll be checking out Citrus Clouds back catalog more in depth.

For another taste of a local act

JM: Are there any things that provoked the creation of the song Honey ? The bass line and guitars right before the singing reminds me a lot of Adorable’s song Homeboy . 

EP: Honey was the first song that we’ve ever fully written together. It started off with Stacie channeling Kim Deal and kept building organically.

JM: Let’s assume you have a new listener to your band. You can only recommend one song and album what do you recommend that most encapsulate your goal or sound? Or to put it differently what song and album are you the most proud of overall or at this time? 

EP: That’s a tough one, I would suggest that they listen to A Pastel Sky off of the upcoming LP Collider. I feel it best captures the evolution of our sound.

JM: What attracted you to play shoegaze? How did you find it?

EP: The biggest draw for me was being able to approach the guitar in a different way. The way the glide guitar feels combined with female vocals is a very special thing. A friend introduced me to the essential bands like 13 years ago and it was a game changer.

JM : Is there a piece of media, book , film, album etc that has impacted you this year and unconsciously or consciously spilled into your music creation?

EP: I’ve been listening to Cold Fact by Rodriguez a ton. We will have to see how it affects the new songs.

Very soon, Citrus Clouds single “Whoa” will be releasing a single and in November an album called “Collider”.

In conclusion this band knows how to deliver well written, layered, dreamy songs. Fans of dreampop please do check them out if you have not already done so.