Crisp and New Autumn Flounder Fan Mail
Crisp Stank ? You overestimate my editorial powers. Another strange one. Here at Meatsheet it seems it’s Halloween every time someone drops a line. Sample this one This person wants to use me to expand his internet reach to charter customers for a fishing trip LOL.
Hi, Crisp Stank here. Wondering if I can possibly get a little promo for my Flounder Trip I’m coordinating with Moica All Star, QB Walker, everyone’s favorite Metallic Piece, Ribb Goon.
Yes, that’s right, Ribb and I are coordinating a Flounder Trip off the coast of Mexico.
Going to rent a 16 ft Alaskan Smoker Craft and cruise that fucker into the deepest depths of the Pacific.
Most likely 85 miles out. We’ll bring plenty of chum and my dog. Coincidently an Alaskan Malamute named Stint. We’ve easily got room on the cruiser for 32 heads, packed tightly of course. We’re charging $412.00 per head and we’re doing this all without insurance and with zero guarantees of one Flounder being caught. But man, you’ll have the time of your life? Ribb has plenty of experience with experience, so we think he’s a great asset to the trip. Bring a mustard sandwich, an anti Fluke tank top, some sandals and your finest denim cut offs and let’s rock and raul!
If this sounds like something your Meat Rag would be interested in helping promote, let me know and we’ll toss together some sort of greasy advertisement to post on your rag?
Thanks for your time and friendship. – Crisp Stank
Dear Mr. Crisp Stank and other loyal readers. Keep the emails coming I guess. Even though I cover select niche topics and bands you can always reach out with off topic stuff like minnows, crocs, flounders, false teeth anyway. (check out the other emails and it will make sense, well slightly more.. ) Happy Eve of All Hallows Eve.