Flaming Lips – My Religion Is You

Wayne Coyne , Steven Drozd and flaming friends released the new album name , American Head, tracklist, album art, and single called My Religion Is You. Dear source, I love this band so. If one does not like the Flaming Lips you have to give it up for still going since the mid 80’s. This new song is definitely in the category of what I call , ” Flaming Lips Post Soft Bulletin Later Golden Age Period”

Just a few weeks back , Flaming Lips dropped the first single and video. Check it here on my fine blog post –


Fast forward to the last few days of June. The Flaming Lips softly unleash My Religion Is You. It is different song than the first single Flowers of Neptune 6 but the overall way they are written sound like they are from the relative same time period. Piano, verse , chorus, verse, intermittent other sounds to give it the signature Lips touch, ( or kiss) such as the low frequency synth bass blast. I dig the ch /ch/ ch sound that breaks up the parts.

Such Video – My Religion Is You

The emphasis on both singles is songwriting. The chorus has hooks you may find related to the Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots or At War With The Mystics. The catchier tracks. Somehow the Lips manage to take upbeat energy and make it sad, but to their credit I adore this in songwriting. You can hear them in their own words as they dissect the song and it’s beginnings.

” If being a Christian is your thing ,

then own it friend,

don’t phone it in “

The video seems to shot at same time as the last Flowers of Neptune 6, however this time in My Religion Is You Steven appears carrying a home made Flaming Lips style cross, dressed in a religious robe. The forest and fire theme from the last video is there. Wayne is still rocking the paratrooper inspired suit. At this point I’m envious of Wayne. ( I like paramilitary garb) Wayne has oversized artificial flowers so the whole video may seem literal but maybe the viewer could catch a touch of subconscious symbolism or a sliver of the Lips brand of surreal.

Finally, The Flaming Lips seem to be maturing in their late golden era but they can still tap into that creative childhood wonder that they captured around about the time they released Transmissions From The Satellite Heart and Clouds Taste Metallic.

The post punk acid years as I like to call them or pre orchestral Flaming Lips which is right before The Soft Bulletin. The Soft Bulletin may be the pinnacle and the “middle” of their multi decade run of exploration. I’ll be pondering that until 9/11 when American Head drops. Please stay in your heart and until next time…

I’ll leave you with a list of my favorite tracks (and live video) in somewhat of an order. This will be hard, I’ll stick with the releases I’m somewhat familiar with and LP’s. The Lips have lots of material. If you include live, singles, b sides, covers, and collaborations they have at least 250 songs , easily more.


1. Five Stop Mother Superior Rain

2. Prescription: Love

3. The Abandoned Hospital Ship

4. A Spoonful Weighs A Ton

5. All We Have Is Now

6. It Overtakes Me

7. The Impulse/Silver Trembling Hands

8. Sun Blows Up Today

9. Nidgey Nie (Never No)

10. How Can A Head