Glare Has Guts + New Awakenings

Glare has Guts plus New Awakenings. Meatsheet Fanzine is back . Hello, allow me to intro dust myself off, yet again. I’m still John Meat. This is my first entry in a while. As I watch the powder keg being lit in America by our untrustworthy media I decide it’s time to get lost in some music. Don’t worry I’m doing something behind the scenes to try to offset those affected but it’s going to take a while. Lots of research on how to put my energy to its best use. Focused intent. Without focused intent I don’t think these works below can be brought to life.

So, we have singles, videos, maybe EP / LP. Here is a small fraction of new ish music. Hopefully the review is fair and unbiased but authentic. If you have reviews, pictures of relevant bands / shows, memorabilia that fits what I cover, or anything else that fits.. Please reach out here on one of the many anti-social media platforms ( Misanthropes, I am talking to you !! ) email / Bluesky / InstaGram Facebook (ugh). @meatsheetfanzine

I have had scams , i mean offers, from random people to write non sequitur inspired drivel that does not dovetail or fit my content what – so- ever. That is the price of being the best indie blog in 2025. (Snickers and winks)

The Awakening – s/t – Intervention Arts

I’m perusing this LP at random and fixing to break the album down into bite size count chocula pieces. Just kidding, about sugar cereal that will subtract life force from you. This LP may add to your life force. (Disclaimer: MSF is not intended to treat or diagnose any illness but may expand your musical horizon)

Despite the fact this album is steeped in foreboding melodies, driving bass, and (driving) kick drums, it’s a bit like shadow work. You go to to the dark side for therapy and release.

Those who have done the work know what I mean. Let the Awakening take you somewhere else far away into your own depths.

Even though I’m late in discovering this October ’24 LP.. This is probably as good as you are going to get in 2025 if you are going to be seeking something in the dark, rhythmic realm. For fans of Peter Murphy / Bauhaus, Sisters Of Mercy and the more theatrical era of Bowie. Don’t believe me ?!? Why I oughta … check out this video for proof.

Thus having witness to the video linked above allow me to highlight a few key songs. But first I must say if I goto darkwave territory and the mood strikes me so, there is not a skipper on this LP. I often listen to the whole thing, unless my mood shifts or the lady comes home and tells me she needs soothing pandora like flute music instead of Victorian dark synth inspired rock. A buzzkill but I understand her perspective.

Moving along, Shimmer is the gateway to Ashton Nyte’s dreamscape turning real. Knolling bells, reverberating percussion, and some background electronic white noise gives way to Mirror Midnight. At that point you know exactly what you are in for. ‘Blurring lines’ is a lyric and what this song does. Is it more Bauhaus ? Sisters ? Bowie ? No matter to me. I’m into the drive and throb, and undulating guitar and synth melodies.

Your Vampire adds some clean sparkly acoustic guitar and turns up the moodiness .

Haunting pulls any stops out from this album. My intuition says that when Mr. Nyte composed this creation that it was a no brainer to be a single born to the world. Although I stated up above the whole album flows along, Haunting captivates my attention. Hypnotic drum and bass.

A satisfying repeating guitar bend that makes me want to sway.

Baritone vocals not without a dynamic range. Through its darkness Haunting is fairly uplifting. However the next song Below The Emptiness brings the tone down to a more brooding and sad feeling. You gotta love a good push pull, rise / fall. Below The Emptiness exudes introverted , introspective notes and sounds.

See You Fall is well written but the take away for me is when the title lyric is sung. The low vocal tone is nearly aligned with the frequency of a Tibetan throat singer.

If you don’t know what that sounds like, I suggest you look both up. It’s tribal and spiritual.

In conclusion, this is a darkwave inspired album for people that are immersed in that and for people like me who appreciate the production and dabble with nocturnal sounds just when the mood strikes. Quite the album I must say ..

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