Ridiculous Meathog Research Investor Email

Meathog Research ? Yes, this came through and I can’t even believe these are real anymore. A striking resemblance to a previous email or two https://meatsheetfanzine.com/discover-surefire-remarkable-minnow-strategy/

It’s probably one person who latches on like Klingon’s around Uranus. Solitary trolling but at least it seems to be a real person as compared to my automated commentaries and other blog spam. That is the ‘normal’ emails that I get. I guess the old saying is true it’s better to be looked over than to be to be overlooked. As a result I give you more zany stupidity.. 

How can this be a real investor?

Hello Johnathan, I am an investor, Deep Anous out of Denver, Colorado. It is brought to my attention that your MeatHog Fanzine is beginning to really cause rumbles across the globe. I hear word of exquisite reviews, phenomenal photography, excellent writing and an overall streak of quality that is seldom occuring in the online fanzine universe. What is really bringing my attention is the extremely delicate, yet beautifully articulate fan mail letters that decorate your MeatHog Mail feature.

So my ever burning question to you Johnathan. May I invest 1 skillion dollars to beef up your infrastructure? This will help create an even more robust online fanzine experience for your readers?

I feel as if, with a more robust aroma, your site could really rake in the beans.

As an investor who has invested in many things like, Pennies for Peter, Loose Hubbard Alimony, Viscous Sanctions, Aerial Bound Areolas, Lonnie Anderson’s Truffles. Additionally the oh so famous, Malamuke’s Taint Scrubbing Pioneer Flatbread. 

If I had to guess this the team of Anous conducting meathog research

So please take this extended hand of mine and let me lead you and the ever potent MeatHog magazine into the twenty second century! If this sounds like a proposition you would enjoy entertaining, please get on the horn with me pronto.

Yours in Even Steven, Deep Anous

I enjoy emails, even ones offering fake money for infrastructure and Meathog Research , but please I ask for just one normal one that covers any of the topics of interest on this blog. Perhaps that will never happen. It’s possible I’m missing the blog ship by a decade or more. It remains uncertain to me. Either way send me serious or more absurd stuff. meatsheet@hotmail.com