New Night School, Juniper, and Orchids
Night School returns to attend classes with a song Juniper. Also another long awaited return for me is the Orchids from Glasgow. Alas, summer in Arizona is here. At least I have these cool songs and central air. Otherwise I’d have dehydration and or heat exhaustion. Without further rambling here is the music for your perusal.
Night School – Juniper – Graveface Records and Curiosities
Night School return with a track from the forthcoming LP Invoke. If the LP out in September is nearly as good as this song, it’s going be a winner.

Additionally, if you like indie pop and things containing ethereal guitar music, checkout Graveface’s roster for Beachy Head (containing Slowdive members)…/ , previous Night School releases, Experimental Aircraft and much more to name than I can type here and remain efficient .
Juniper is the name. Right out the gate it soaks you with melody and harmony. The vocals, one or more ladies, just flow along like a creek (or crik) in the woods. Guitars chime and ring with each arpeggiated note. The bass is like a flexible but very strong support holding the song up so it can achieve its proper heights.
The short version? It’s dreamy goodness.
Much to someones chagrin I’ll continue. Drums ? A classic beat holds it all down. Crisped up snare. Just in the mix enough for one to appreciate.
As a result, when all of this comes together, it’s a big wow. As previously stated, if they can pull off more stuff like this, it will be a magical summer LP.
Orchids – This Boy’s A Mess – SkepWax Records
This single shows great promise. First let me back up. If you don’t know this band they go back to the late 80’s. The Orchids are one of my top bands from the former defunct Sarah Records label. Fast forward to now. Their latest LP Dreaming Kind releases in September.

The video for This Boy’s A Mess is embedded below. I am laser focused on what this band sounds like after a break in releasing material. They do have a song on a compilation that can be found on Skepwax’s bandcamp. Any fan of Sarah records bands will revel in this comp for sure.
Moving along to This Boy’s A Mess. This track wastes no time. It starts with pop goodness. Instrumentally its hummable, catchy, and has drive to it. This said drive is not one that makes the song hard rock or metallic. There’s a breakdown but we’ll get to that in a second. The bass line is disarming, sneaky , groovy and can be overlooked but together with the beat, it is perfect. If you know The Orchids then you will be able to tell that James Hackett still has the magic recognizable voice.
So the breakdown is a buoyant mixture of swirling synth wash and violin like string hits.
As a songwriting tactic this brilliantly differentiates the chorus from the verses. It gives a clear breath or lift to the track. One may also appreciate the backing vocals that give a choral feel.
Wrapping up the breakdown , it goes back into the verse, then chorus one more time. One can easily get these two parts stuck in your head. In conclusion, the indie pop fans will have to wait a bit to have more of The Orchids seasoned craft. This LP will be well worth it. See you in September.

Stereolab – Robot Riot – Duophonic UHF Disks
Last but not least is Stereolab. An old favorite of mine. This is one track and part of unreleased tracks. It’s a clacking, jangly drone of a good time. If you know their stuff, this is probably their classic sound.
Whether it is their peak, debatable based on a fan’s opinion (for this track pre Emperor Tomato Ketchup , maybe around the time The Amorphous Body Study Center or Mars Audiac Quintet in sound IMO) The Moog and synths oscillate and cut through the mix like a saw. It’s a quick three minute trip. Sadier’s vocals are bassy and yet sweet as usual. Top notch song, catch the whole LP in September here …and everywhere.
OK there you have it. Please support these artists and your lovely editor John Meat if you have the means. Stay safe this summer as we await the coming shows and new releases.