Scowl EP – Reality After Reality

I have successfully distanced myself from current hardcore like Santa Cruz’s Scowl EP. Exception is for a few select bands. This will change though, until the.. Here is a guest author Cuzface on the merits of the Scowl EP from pre apocalyptic late 2019. So I am thankful for my first contribution. – Meat

Hey all you hardcore heads! We have here a November 2019 release from Scowl from Santa Cruz, Cali. called “Reality after Realty” after previously releasing a demo May 2019 (both available on Bandcamp)

While it may be attractive to expound the virtues of various innovative musicians/groups, we live in times where one might question the constant need for innovation and, without getting political, just want to simply break shit… feel anger. No shade on someone doing something fresh or exciting. I just personally get that mood where you want something good and angry rather than “new” or “unprecedented” if you will.

Definitely rooted in what one might call “traditional” hardcore.

Scowl is one of the bands which one might call “traditional” sounding but unlike others, do it right, feel right and don’t sound TOO derivative…at least in my opinion.

Somewhat hilariously incorporating images on their releases of flowers that look like an 8 year old would have drawn and colored on their grade school backpack, juxtaposed with OG hardcore imagery like skeletons and brick walls. So humor presented, at least in that respect… possibly due to the woman being in the band making a playfully attempt to annoy/scare away any over-masculine knuckle-draggers???

Whatever the intention, make no mistake, the music is ol’dirty hardcore. I hear several influences/sounds coming through from the pantheon. I get a mid tempo DYS feel in some parts… a more mean-spirited, rather than positive, youth crew in other places. Somewhat pre-Madball era but you could argue with me on that one. Vocals just sound mean… best way to describe it. You may disagree with me completely but I am going by vibes more than technical aspects. *HAHA covered my ass there*

“Retail Hell” starts us off with a mid tempo build and and then angry trudge thru negative aspects of the work force experience. Ok track but not a stand out.

Then “Petty Selfish Cretin” kicks in with a very mean sounding speedier number. A short track but definitely one of my favorites. Giving me that “you suck!” realness. 

The title track starts with an interesting drum build before hitting some groove type riffage exploring disappointment in, well… reality 🙂

“My Turn 2 Play” wastes no time and feels like an assault. Momentarily slowing a bit to lay down some more angry sentiments and then back to speedier fun.

Last but not least is “Choke” which may arguably be the best track. The beat along with riffage and some interesting flourishes at the :45 marker make it worth multiple repeats.

Yeah, no wasted time, not a fuck given in sight, clocking in at about 6 and half… brief, but good stuff.

Author – Cuzface