Vendors / Ads
So you happen to land here. You don't want to place online or direct order for zine through ? Not to worry. Meatsheet Fanzine has other business solutions. You can order without me being involved. We have some vendors that carry my zine in store. Yes ! Brick and mortar. Also many if not all will ship if you cannot connect in person. I suggest you support them. These fine businesses hold up the torch for indie press and music. So here is a list and a blurb about each
P.S. If you want to have your band, store, label, or adjacent business featured on the blog then please do reach out. I can work with you to create a custom ad and help promote you on my (anti) social media platforms.
Revelation Records - If you don't know Rev HQ aka Revelation Records by now.. well here is some info. A seminal hardcore label started in New Haven Connecticut started circa 1987. Since then they have relocated to Huntingdon Beach CA and continue to keep hardcore punk and the like stocked in their headquarters. You can get my rag of a zine there and about 30,000 other items give or take.
Also they usually include random inlay cards, lyric sheets, stickers etc if you pick up a few items on one order. Here they are

DeathWish Inc Record Label and Distribution
This company has been around since 2000 and put out many music releases. It has grown and now includes distro of music related items and merch. In addition to Deathwish Inc. label they also distribute for these fine labels. See list copied from their webpage. 126 Records, Armageddon Label, Argento, Black Market Activities, Church Road, Closed Casket Activities, Convergecult, Discos Huelga, Downed Star, Family Drugs, Funeral Party, Glory Kid, Good Fight, GTR, Grave Mistake Records, Grave Pleasures, Harm Reduction, Hydra Head, Isolation, Life to Live Records, Malfunction, Melotov, Microspy, Mind Over Matter, Permanent Sleep, Photobooth, Protagonist Music, Nonbeliever, Painkiller, Protagonist Music, Radio Raheem, React!, Reaper Records, Safe Inside Records, Secret Voice, Six Feet Under, Throatruiner, State of Mind Recordings, Twelve Gauge, UXO Records, Vitriol, Youth Attack!, and more.

Sorry State Records - A record store plus more. Located in Raleigh , North Carolina. In this day and age it is crucial to support you local record store. As you know digital media is impacting store fronts. Especially music / record stores. So besides your new and used vinyl, cassettes, CD's Sorry State carries other zines. They carry shirts. Do you really need anymore reasons to buy from this store? I think not.

Here is the link in case you are not passing through or you are not a local resident of the greater Raleigh North Carolina area
Wasted Ink Distro
A zine distro located in Phoenix Arizona. Brick and mortar and online ! Also a zine library archive. Very cool .

Dear Mom - Located in Indianapolis IN, Dear Mom carries lots of things with a focus on fanzines and smaller self published books and zine like printed material. Dear Mom seems to be all about fresh farm produce as well. If that is not enough well they put up with me and sell Meatsheet #7. So if you are in the area please check them out
P.S. If you want to have your band, store, label, or adjacent business featured on the blog then please do reach out. I can work with you to create a custom ad and help promote you on my (anti) social media platforms.