Meat Market

MeatSheet merchandise is in service. What’s up Chicken Feed ? Feast your eyes on my back issues and threaded offerings. These due to age are technically vintage and have gone out of style and come back again several times. Additionally Meat Sheet #7 is available as you read this. Cue Welcome Back Kotter theme song

Just born is Meat Sheet 7

Your purchase money will go to funding new content and to supporting bands and artists that are just starting. That is to say from self produced bands and artists up to the signed to large indie label. We proudly endorse many labels new and old. For a snapshot of this read the blog or order a back issue. Here is an example of a band I found out about by publishing posts on IG and other social media

Below is what MSF offers. New zine out now. Follow on anti social media for updates. We take debit and credit via Stripe. If you are outside continental U.S.A. I do not know how much shipping will be as I have not sent anything anywhere in a long time. But I will figure it out. Also coming, bundles! Stay tuned. This is Meat Sheet merchandise. I’m your host John Meat. Good night.

Showing 1–16 of 18 results