Use Indoor Voices – New LP Falling

Indoor Voices. Keep it down to a dull roar. Here is a review of an LP. Just in case you are wondering why does this LP get its own post? No reason, save for it was coincidentally timing. I finished the last post and just happened to be able to get this up in time for its premier. So if you reach out here or somewhere on social media, I will evaluate if and when I can cover your release. OK dreamers, time to get lost and gently fall through the clouds.

Indoor Voices – Falling

A short and dreamy LP that had some help from Simon Scott of Slowdive as far as mastering. If you love Slowdive and music like it, then you may want to have a listen this light and glimmering LP, Falling. Ethereal and approachable, it glides right by.

Falling is full of cascading washes of melted guitar noise. Mostly clean, that is, not overdriven, but soaked in layers. Wild guess, it’s time based effects like reverb and delay.

No matter, when done this way, it is nearly impossible to not have some interesting in its depth of sound.

On top of that is a woodwind or flute like sound that could be guitar. Again, its all about the shimmer. I’m not here to analyze studio or guitar techniques. It drones in and out but then no. Indoor Voices cleverly weaves Falling right into second track The Way It Is . The volume decrease is your only cue that one is ending, but like most tracks on Falling.. It is a flowing, smooth transition from one song to the next. The Way It Is shouldn’t be confused with Bruce Hornsby ( and the Range hit) or this phenomenal comp from way back. Sorry, not really.

Back to Indoor Voices. The Way It Is a sound scape that warbles, wobbles, and fades in and out of volume until it cedes to a very staccato indie drum beat. This track is none other than the single I reviewed here. I Hide is reviewed so I’ll focus on the tracks yet to be immortalized in digital history of my blog. The end though, will not spoil it. Here is what I will say. It’s unsettling in a good way. Breaks up the dream like quality that permeates Falling thus far.

Fourth on the list Together I Am One gradually enchants with more flute / woodwind timbre. It feels like an introduction to next track and maybe a reprise to I Hide. I believe the notes are similar.

Rebellions are built on hope. Which brings me to the next song by that name.

Do you admire Kevin Shields and My Bloody Valentine as much a I do? Great, then next Hope simulates that whammy bar phasing that we all know and love.

More synth washes across the shore. Vocals that kind of remind me of Damon Albarn with echo turned way up. So to say it sounds like him.. but only being a minor Blur fan, I’d bet he doesn’t use this much effects ? Maybe in Gorillaz. Anyways, won’t be the first time I’m wrong if so. Hope is quite striking in sonic beauty. Whether my brain is slow is one thing.. its beauty ends before I can accurately give a fair description. Alas it doesn’t diminish its attention to sonic detail and work. Next another indie beat comes in. Think 90’s (possible Manchester or Sarah , Summershine records inspired drums and beat, again I could be wrong, but probably in the neighborhood)

A Magical Life seems like another intro, or perhaps an ambient interlude that leads into Love. Fleeting and wispy, A Magical Life is only a little over a minute. If the implication is that A Magical Life is one with Love then I’d agree. However maybe that is my spin or take.

Love turns up the dial on dreaminess. A catchy , subdued, toe tap of drum beat enters. Once again listener is whisking away in the classic gaze sound. Heavy reverb, slight drones. Ringing guitar ambience but not with the volume cranked all the way. The ringing is just one of many layers.

All That You Wish For gets coverage in the previous link above, so I’ll quote it for you, but I think you might enjoy reading the link above. Here it is again But in case you are not into clicking here is a sentence or so.

“This track has an interesting subdued warble. The droning dial turns way up into experimental soundscape vistas. It gives way to a minimalistic night time sounding noise. This said noise could be artificially generated which is kind of cool. Think of being in a rural area with the windows open on a warm evening ” Background noises that soothe.

Next we come to That’s All . This song is similar to Hope in trem arm warbles. The tempo is slower than other songs. Think of waking dream state, maybe Delta waves. Relaxation.

That’s All may be in fact the closest song to the choral ambient washes you find on Slowdive’s Just For A Day.

On a side note, there is no bad mouthing Just For A Day from Slowdive. If you have negativity regarding that LP, please go argue on Reddit or indie anti social media platform.

In conclusion, there is Now You’re Going Home ( When I’m Sad) This song is teeming with longing and sadness. However it is bittersweet. Sublimely beautiful ambience tempers the sadness. Unless you are AI , android , or into nothing but speed metal ( ha! ) you can feel this one.

A tight, strong effort for such and ambient LP ! That is all for now. Support Indoor Voices and Meat Sheet aka me if you have the means. Or support someone of your choice. The artists, bloggers, etc are thrilled when you do. Be safe, Be brave times are changing. Meat out.